Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Countdown to Summer: Three Ways to Get rid of Cellulite Fast!

A New Year is finally upon us and in the rush of resolutions, the most common one that is being noted online and in printed mediums is that of weight loss. According to recent statistics, over sixty percent of Americans are overweight or obese, and many of them suffer from the appearances of abnormal fatty deposits, or cellulite on their bodies. So keeping with this New Year trend of weight loss goals, here are three ways that you can get rid of cellulite fast – in time to enjoy that sporty swimsuit for the summer!

Commit to a Rigorous Workout Regime
Experts recommend that you workout at least three times per week, preferably five times per week, using a continuous workout for at least twenty minutes to burn excess fat. For those who suffer from cellulite, a workout regiment that targets your problem areas is the real key.

Change your Diet and Balance your Eating Patterns
Working out and targeting cellulite prone areas are but one part of the equation. You also must change your eating habits and limited the intake of fatty foods which will contribute to further weight gain.

Utilize the Power of Cellulite Creams like Celrase

Combine the above two steps with a topically applied cellulite cream like Celrase—which utilizes powerful and clinically proven compounds that target the fat and help to burn it up fast. It also prevents the fat from forming into more cellulite in those areas, and will greatly help you look and feel great in that swimsuit come the warm summer months ahead.

Newest Spa Fad: Green Coffee Body Wraps Debunked in Favor of Cellulite Creams

Body wraps that use elements like Green Coffee are being touted as the most effective and quickest means to achieving the loss of cellulite in problem areas. However, body wraps at the spa do nothing to burn up excess fat. What they do is decrease bloating and excess water storages in the area, which makes it seem like you are thinner and skinnier when you leave the treatment, and which minimizes the appearances of cellulite temporarily. But after a few days, the water in your body replenishes itself, and once again your cellulite is very noticeable.

How Cellulite Creams can Help
What you really need is an effective cellulite cream like Celrase, which utilizes powerful fat-burning agents that can really eat up, or erase, the formations and appearances of cellulite on our body, and quickly—within the first month or two of daily usage. Celrase cellulite cream is able to do this because it actually eats up the fat. It does this by using a blend of two patented and scientifically proven ingredients: Adiposlim, which reduces the production of fat cells by causing a greater lipolysis, burning free fatty acids; and Adipoless, which helps to reduce fat and prevent the creation of cellulite. Combining the power of a cellulite cream like Celrase with a balanced diet and daily exercise will yield to you the best possible results.